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  • Writer's pictureGeorgia Campbell


Updated: Feb 9, 2019

Here we are, 3rd February 2018 and my first real post. I thought there wasn't a more appropriate place to start, than with the subject of 'Motivation'. It's an area we all at some point seem to struggle with and constantly to be in need of. It's undoubtedly something easier said than done, often finding ourselves caught in a 'motivated thought' cycle, that actually lacks the action to just get the damn show on the road. Or just me?

I've recently been setting myself a few goals and deadlines in order to 'achieve' my adventures out West. Over excited and gliding in that 'motivated thought whirlpool', I jotted down my deadlines, goals and financial situation. Alas, the whirlpool sucked me under, drowned me then water went up my nose and came out my eyeballs (metaphorically of course).

"Well F**K, was a nice thought! Maybe another time!"

It then dawned on me that there wasn't another time, I want to do this now and why couldn't I? We often find ourselves quitting before we've even given ourselves a chance to act. Justifying our decision with the thought of 'next time'. Now I'm gonna be a bore and get all Psychological (shout out to my degree), but I thought what even is motivation and why can it be such a struggle? I read confusing stuff (and made it simple) so you don't have to. So here goes:

Motivation is essentially 'why' we seek to achieve or do something. It consists of 3x components: Activation, Persistence and Intensity (vigour). I.e We make an internal decision to initiate a behaviour (Activation), make a continued effort to achieve our goal (Persistence) and finally these efforts are highly concentrated (Intensity).

Simples right?

Well there's more, smart American Psychologist, Maslow (1943) structured motivation into a hierarchy of human needs. The lowest level is our basic needs (survival, food etc). When these are more or less satisfied, we focus on the next set of needs (the hierarchy business, you get me).

Beyond our basic needs are our GROWTH NEEDS. It isn't that we lack anything, but instead we desire to grow. Otherwise known as Self Actualisation. This is self fulfilment, personal growth and peak experiences (euphoria, joy and wonder). Erm yea sign me up please.

"The desire to become everything one is capable of becoming" (Maslow, 1943).

But, (you may say) I have the 3x components and I desire to become everything I am capable of, yet I STILL lack motivation, I'm not growing! WTF is wrong with me?! Well I'll tell you (spoiler, nothing wrong with you, you're great). It just goes something like this:

If we think an action will have a positive outcome, we are more likely to make it a reality for ourselves (easy part). The role we play in the achievement of this has a major role in it's success (ok getting more difficult). So, if we feel we lack the skill to acquire it we will be less motivated (voila, we have established our downfall).

Therefore, what I'm trying to say is if there is something you want to do which will make you happier, DO IT. You do not lack the skill or the means to achieve this. Be humble, be grateful, focus on the bigger picture and enjoy the journey, wherever it is you may be heading. We're all on the quest for 'the good life', but only you can make it possible. Life is too short, time is too precious. Be an active agent of your happiness, others are there to guide you, but not stop you. Only you own that power and right.

So, my list of goals and deadlines may seem overwhelming, but that does not mean it isn't possible - change your mindset, and open up the doors to reality.

So here is a revised, less daunting and achievable list of my goals:

  • Book flights

  • When? 23rd July

  • How (you are poor)? work work work! More hours = more money = more security = more time to enjoy yourself when the day comes

  • How much money? £5000 after flights - holy smokes (but achievable)

  • Be a free bird

  • Be happy

So yah, here goes! Will it be easy? Nope, but will it be worth it? Absolutely.

I'll leave you all with a quote I read the other day, which I thought was pretty lovely and appropriately simplistic:

"Life is tough my darling, but so are you." - Stephanie Bennett-Henry

Yes it is, and yes I am.

G x

Songs that motivate me & help me up when I'm down:

L'arena - Ennio Morricone

I've Got Dreams To Remember - Otis Redding

L'Estasi Dell'oro - Ennio Morricone

I Shall Be Released - Nina Simone

Dreams - Fleetwood Mac

Past My Prime - Greensky Bluegrass

Unraveling - Frances Cone

I Want To Break Free - Queen

Trinity: Titoli - Annibale E I Cantori Moderni

I Can See Clearly Now - Johnny Nash

Gypsy - Fleetwood Mac

It's Now or Never - Elvis Presley

Three Little Birds - Bob Marley & The Wailers

Killer Queen - Queen

Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen) - Quindon Tarver

And if you really need motivating then watch this. It has never failed me:

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